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French Connection’s Sequined Party Dresses 6 Steps to Look Younger by Dressing in Style
WhatRUWearing.net, Make the World Your Mirror!
Fashion has its special spot in your Facebook newsfeed when you look at “friends” pictures to see what they’re wearing. Admit it or not, but you post head to toe shots of yourself purposely to show off an outfit, give makeovers with your eyes, and stick another’s style in your back pocket for later use.
Find safety in numbers, my friend, because you’re not the only one doing it. It okay to come out of the closet, because www.whatRUwearing.net is new social media meant exactly for what you have been doing online. The genius site is tailored specifically for the fashion obsessed outfit judging and loving; a perfect marriage between Pinterest and Facebook, but better. Keep track of your closet, what you wore and when; post outfit pictures as inspiration or for advice; kill time browsing others’ style, and more.
Head on over and first create a profile. Then start adding pics to the categories: “My Look” or “This or That”.
My Look shares how you wore an outfit. For example, add a picture of yourself in a mint blouse and black leather leggings with leopard heels. The site allows you to tag photos with searchable key words; “mint”, “leopard shoes”, “night out”. Once the photo is labeled, click on the tag to see ensembles with the same wording. You can also keep track of what you wore, when you last wore it and who you were with by using dates or friends’ names as tags for personal reference.
This or That allows you to upload two photos of an outfit worn slightly different. Ask other users to vote for their fav or provide feedback to help you decide which to wear. Tag labels just as “My Look” to keep yourself organized and browse-ready.
This is an extremely elementary overview of what the site has to offer, but if you’re that fashion-loving-addict you say you are, check out WhatRUWearing.net ; Make the World Your Mirror!
Me with the ladies behind WhatRUWearing.net, Farissa Knox and Sara Visser
What R U Wearing site founder, Farissa Knox, collected years of experience in advertising only to have her company go bankrupt due to a declining economy in 2008. Though never intending to pursue entrepreneurship, Farissa decided the easiest solution was to retain her clients from said company and do the same work, solo. After years of proven success as her own boss, she got comfortable in those entrepreneur trousers and challenged herself to create another brand based on a personal love of fashion:
“Wouldn’t it be great if folks could post their outfits and get feedback about what they are wearing or see how they could wear something differently? …The name ‘What R U Wearing’ is based on the first question we ask our friends whenever we go somewhere, “What are you wearing?”
[Amen sister! You know me too well!]
With that, she recruited sidekick Sara Visser. Marketing skills, social networking savvy’ness and one eye always focused on fashion, Sara was the perfect person to help Farissa execute her vision for the site. Together, over the past two years, these ladies have worked to create a user friendly, fashion sharing site for the average gal, which is now LIVE and ready for “networking”!!
and the rest is history…

Tagged with: Fashion • Social Media • Social Networking • Style Inspiration • Website
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