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Photo by – Treasuredress
When the sky is blue and the sun is smiling down at you it’s probably hard to imagine that autumn is just around the corner, but whether you like it or not… it is. Soon the evenings are going to get darker and colder and we’re going to find ourselves buying hats and gloves. Are you ready for the transition?
Photo By – Believe in the Beauty of Your Dreams
Most people have a collection of autumn staples in their wardrobe: warm jackets, sensible jumpers, black ‘winter’ boots…you get the gist. But why is it that when the sun disappears from the sky we feel that we have to emulate the weather and dress in dark tones? If ever there’s a time of year that needs colour then surely it’s autumn/winter time?
Now we’re not saying there’s anything wrong with beautiful autumnal shades – golden yellows, rusty reds and warm chocolate browns are all wonderful colours…it’s just that they’re a bit obvious aren’t they? Black and brown is like a seasonal uniform isn’t it? Yawn.
Why not make this autumn your most colourful season to date? Forget about sensibility and instead opt for fun…you never know, if everyone does the same thing we might even encourage the sun to stay shining a bit longer!
How to do autumn colours
The first rule of revamping your autumn wardrobe is to embrace recycling. No we don’t mean separating your glass bottles and tin cans, although of course that should be encouraged too. We just think that perhaps it’s time to recycle your summer wardrobe. Whilst we realise there probably isn’t a need for your bikini you can reuse many of your summer dresses if you wear them with the right kind of accessories.
Maxi dresses look great teamed with pumps or winter boots and topped with a cosy leather jacket. In fact, if you want this look to have even more of an edge then team a floral maxi with a khaki military style coat for the ultimate contrast.
Don’t be afraid to wear your short summer dress either – but instead of tanned pins, team with a pair of colour-pop tights. Visualise a pink floral dress with orange tights and you get the idea. Don’t be afraid to clash.
If this look is going a little too far for you then why not flip it around and wear a subdued autumnal dress with patterned tights such as these?
Patterned Tights
If you’re not quite ready for tights and you have summer sandals that you don’t want to prise away from your feet then don’t despair… embrace the socks and sandals look. Yes you heard us right, socks + sandals = one cool mamma.
Socks n Sandals
Photo by - Colour Me Cliche
If these looks seem a little extreme then perhaps you would prefer just an accent of colour? A lightweight scarf will do the trick. You can experiment with different patterns and colours to see what works with your skin tone. We love this classic McQueen Skull Scarf available in an array of zingy colours.
Colour Pop Scarf
Finally, if we can’t convince you to embrace colourful clothing (although lemon, orange and magenta were seen all over the D&G, Versace and Blumarine catwalks) then at least try a pop of colour on your face. A slick of red lipstick will instantly add focus as will a line of glittery blue eyeliner or rosy rouge on the cheeks.
Bold Makeup
Photo by – Sweet Hair Candy
Don’t be scared of colour. It may be grey outside but this doesn’t mean that our wardrobes should reflect this…

Tagged with: Alexander McQueen • Alexander McQueen Skull Scarf • Autumn • Autumn Trend • Autumnal Shades • Blumarine • Bold Makeup • Chocolate Browns • Colour • Colour Pop Scarf • D&G • Fall • Fall Trend • Glittery Blue Eyeliner • Gloves • Golden Yellows • Hats • Khaki • Maxi Dress • Mcqueen • Military Style Coat • Patterned Tights • Pink Floral Dress • Recyle • Red Lipstick • Rosy Rouge • Rusty Reds • Sandals • Scarf • Socks • Tights • Versace
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