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Suzanna (Zanna) Schumacher is a fashion and beauty writer who is inspired every day by the street style in her home, New York City. Not only is she a regular at New York Fashion Week, but also she’s plugged in and passionate about the sustainable fashion scene.
Zanna studied at New York University and graduated in 2007 with a degree in Business and Media, after which she entered the financial workforce before finding her passion in writing.
She spends time perusing home décor, art and style blogs, playing with her dog and enjoying all the coffee shops and cafés Brooklyn, her borough of choice, has to offer.
See more of Zanna’s work at Green House of Fashion, where she writes about ethical, socially responsible and sustainable fashion.

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- We have quite a large selection of bizarre dresses on Pinterest, why not come and see which one you would wear! http://t.co/MmFEcJDQ 11:33:56 AM January 08, 2013 ReplyRetweetFavorite
- Why not come and visit us on Facebook? http://t.co/7Lo5Z7ww 11:32:32 AM January 08, 2013 ReplyRetweetFavorite
- Bet you have never seen shoes like these ones before! http://t.co/1G0p6WgE How wild (in every sense of the word)!!! 11:25:22 AM January 08, 2013 ReplyRetweetFavorite
- Check out our Pinterest board of weird and bizarre accessories! http://t.co/eB07CV8B 11:24:34 AM January 08, 2013 ReplyRetweetFavorite
- The Tucker Shawl Collar Coat in citrus yellow is well refreshing! #fashion #style http://t.co/9ieN4bfj 11:14:05 AM January 08, 2013 ReplyRetweetFavorite
- Warm and Wearable Winter Tights - which ones are your favourite? http://t.co/ED9UL6hi 11:13:02 AM January 08, 2013 ReplyRetweetFavorite
- With a new year comes bigger challenges and opportunities. Beat the challenges and grab the opportunities with an equal zeal. Happy New Yr! 09:48:32 AM January 02, 2013 ReplyRetweetFavorite
- In youth & beauty,wisdom is rare! @amyyalldayy2 @amypearlcarig @BMH_xo @bbloggerschat @BrennaPanache @chloehefhef @trendcouncil @chic_freakk 04:14:57 PM December 10, 2012 ReplyRetweetFavorite
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Looks like she has unwittingly stepped on a blob of chewing gum – but this shoe is part of a collection of bizarre footwear designed by Kobi Levi
Image detail for -weird bizarre crazy shocking surprising strange odd fashion show ...
Personal Rain Saver Chindogu: Show your commitment to the environment and water conservation with this nifty personal accessory! Essentially an upside-down umbrella, it collects water in an easy to carry tank. With the price of bottled water going through the roof you will save tons of money while making a very p.c. fashion statement!
Lucy McRae and Bart Hess, Evolution, 2008.
The Boob Dress... really? isabella has a weird style
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