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From a very early age Momina Khan discovered her attraction to and talent in assembling a stylish outfit. While it was with many tears she learned that stripes don’t match with flowers and polk-a-dots she never let it dissuade her from self-expression in clothes.
Over the years this aspiration has only intensified and is something she loves sharing with others. As a passionate freelance writer this enables her to contribute at a grander scale on the beauty of individualism through fashion.
When she is not writing, lost in a good book, feeding her chocolate addiction, or absently nodding her head to music only heard in her headphones, Momina can be found surrounded by laughing friends and family partaking in a delicious home cooked meal.

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- We have quite a large selection of bizarre dresses on Pinterest, why not come and see which one you would wear! http://t.co/MmFEcJDQ 11:33:56 AM January 08, 2013 ReplyRetweetFavorite
- Why not come and visit us on Facebook? http://t.co/7Lo5Z7ww 11:32:32 AM January 08, 2013 ReplyRetweetFavorite
- Bet you have never seen shoes like these ones before! http://t.co/1G0p6WgE How wild (in every sense of the word)!!! 11:25:22 AM January 08, 2013 ReplyRetweetFavorite
- Check out our Pinterest board of weird and bizarre accessories! http://t.co/eB07CV8B 11:24:34 AM January 08, 2013 ReplyRetweetFavorite
- The Tucker Shawl Collar Coat in citrus yellow is well refreshing! #fashion #style http://t.co/9ieN4bfj 11:14:05 AM January 08, 2013 ReplyRetweetFavorite
- Warm and Wearable Winter Tights - which ones are your favourite? http://t.co/ED9UL6hi 11:13:02 AM January 08, 2013 ReplyRetweetFavorite
- With a new year comes bigger challenges and opportunities. Beat the challenges and grab the opportunities with an equal zeal. Happy New Yr! 09:48:32 AM January 02, 2013 ReplyRetweetFavorite
- In youth & beauty,wisdom is rare! @amyyalldayy2 @amypearlcarig @BMH_xo @bbloggerschat @BrennaPanache @chloehefhef @trendcouncil @chic_freakk 04:14:57 PM December 10, 2012 ReplyRetweetFavorite
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Looks like she has unwittingly stepped on a blob of chewing gum – but this shoe is part of a collection of bizarre footwear designed by Kobi Levi
Image detail for -weird bizarre crazy shocking surprising strange odd fashion show ...
Personal Rain Saver Chindogu: Show your commitment to the environment and water conservation with this nifty personal accessory! Essentially an upside-down umbrella, it collects water in an easy to carry tank. With the price of bottled water going through the roof you will save tons of money while making a very p.c. fashion statement!
Lucy McRae and Bart Hess, Evolution, 2008.
The Boob Dress... really? isabella has a weird style
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